Hatha Yoga - An Ancient Program of Balance, Harmony and Purification

Hatha Yoga originated in the 15th century in India as part of a program of purification of the body incorporated along with meditation. 

Hatha is the Hindu word for "sun and , while "Yoga" is the word for "yoke" or uniting of body, mind and environment. Hatha Yoga places great significance on achieving balance between physical, mental, spiritual and emotional states in harmony with earth, water, sun and moon.

Hatha Yoga's Origins

This form of yoga is considered one of the major types of yoga practice, along with kundalini yoga, karma yoga and many others. It is the parent of several other kinds of yoga, such as Bikram yoga, which uses a similar structure but adds extra challenges such as a very hot room. 

All yoga practice originates from spiritual disciplines that started up to 5,000 years ago, though these activities were not the same as today's hatha yoga. Ancient meditative and physical practices eventually evolved into a form that modern practitioners would recognize.

These were first brought to the west in the late 19th century by Swami Vivekananda. They remained a relatively unknown method of personal advancement until the 1960s and 1970s, however, when interested in eastern practices increased greatly. The rise of interest in alternative therapies led more people in Europe and North America to adopt and adapt yogic practices for their own use, producing the yoga classes we now view as standard.

Yoga has many benefits to it, both physical and mental. Making it a part of your life will fill you with a new purpose and give you a spring in your steps every day. Following are the most important benefits of hatha yoga:

- Increase in strength and flexibility

- Posture correction and strengthening of the spine

- Betterment of any condition in the muscular- skeletal structure, like scoliosis, weak knees, sore shoulders and neck

- Improvement of the endocrine, respiratory, immune, digestive and circulatory systems of the body

- Decrease in stress levels

- Relaxation of the mind and the body

Pregnant Women

Hatha yoga is best for pregnant women because it promotes health for both the mother and her unborn child. You can prevent several diseases such as overweight, depression and backache. Women who practice yoga during their pregnancy notice that labor pains are easier to handle and shorter.